Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Seriously. That ^ is the freaking time right now. In the AM and I have still yet to sleep today. WHY??!?!?! Ohhhh why me? Oh yes, I remember now. Its one of the strange "symptoms" that have come along with this pregnancy. Yep that's right. Pregnancy. For one YAY!!!! Lets celebrate for 3.2 seconds. Yippy, hurrah, huzzah and other excited sounding hooplar! We're pregnant, we're pregnant! Didn't take any time at all for the lovely and I. He came home March 10th and we found out I was preggers April 1st. That was fun telling people on April Fools Day of all days. Today I am 7 weeks and 5 days along. Landon is thrilled about the rosebud. He gets up every morning feeling like P Diddy (Oh wait no, that's not right. Sorry I got distracted) bright eyed and bushy tailed with good mornings to me and my tummy. Kado I'm not too sure about. He makes sure Landon doesn't get too rowdy because he's convinced that Landon will break the baby's ears off if it gets to loud but other then that he doesn't say much. I've gone to the 1st OB appointment and it was uneventful other then the labs and NASTY glucose test. We (and when I say we, I mean me and hopefully Brian) get to see our little rosebud on the 16th of this month. We both really have our heart set on a baby girl but as long as the baby is healthy then obviously we're more then over joyed! It's due to come join our family the 9th of Dec. Which by the way urghhh. That just made me think of something. Summer pregnancy in GA. Doesn't that sound like so much fun!? No, not really. Maybe I should join Bry at Ft Benning after I have the baby. I wonder how he would feel about that one? I'm guessing that one probably wouldn't go over too well. Oh well, its was nice thought. Bleh. Ramble ramble ramble. That's all this post is but what do you expect out of me after no sleep? I think I shall try and get 2 hours of  sleep before I need to get up and start my day. Here's to the new baby and hoping that this whole pregnancy isn't insomniac ridden.

XO Cris